Why it’s so important to read books

Develops tolerance

We are what we read. Have you heard that expression? The more intelligent and good books you absorb, the better the quality of your personality becomes. People who read the classics, poetry, as research has shown are more human, able to empathize, sympathize, understand others.

Among other things, books make us wiser. Fiction promotes brain development, memory, imagination, fantasy, etc.

It develops mental abilities

Reading helps us develop logic, memory, and thinking. How much understatement there is in works. This is done so that the reader comes up with something global, but at the same time lying on the surface itself.

And we are given the winged expressions so that we remember them and use them in concrete situations. In addition, reading makes us more attentive and collected!

Develops speech and literacy

A person who reads automatically becomes wiser and remembers the spelling of words. In addition, children who read a lot have a better academic performance. Analyze well those or other events occurring around, know a lot more words: synonyms, antonyms. They are able to express their thoughts clearly, coherently and correctly. Besides, the vocabulary of a person who reads is 2-3 thousands wider than that of a person who simply watches films.

The development of creativity

Studies have shown that people who read fiction have a higher level of creativity than those who don’t read at all. They are also more modern, brave, and don’t feel uncomfortable with ambiguity. They are very creative, positive and their ideas are always valuable! Those who read tend to have more out-of-the-box thinking.

Development of intelligence

Scientists were able to prove that no matter what a person reads: novels, detectives, poems, etc., he has many times higher levels of intelligence than those who are lazy and do not like to read!

Reading perfectly trains our brain, makes us work our head, anticipate what will happen to the characters in the book or what solution to a problem will be found. People who read know how to process, organize, and store information.

The ability to fight prejudice

The more we read a variety of literature, the more we understand life. We learn to be more tolerant and respectful of other nationalities, we learn more facts from the past that dispel our prejudices, and we enrich our knowledge with new information about other countries, about things and phenomena.

Good literature helps us to stop dividing people by skin color, purse, etc. We become kinder and more tolerant.

Reading increases life expectancy.

Yes, yes this is no joke! There have been studies that have shown that those who have reading as a hobby live longer and have a more positive attitude towards life. To live 3 years longer, you need to read and stretch your brain for 35-40 minutes a day!

Combine the pleasant with the useful, read more – live longer!